Our Services

Healthcare Strategy & Consulting

At Medicys, we partner with leading global strategy and consulting firms who advise healthcare business leaders on their most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology and mergers & acquisitions. Typical projects in this space will focus on:

  • Market Sizing & Value Proposition development
  • Digital Marketing & Sales Strategy
  • End-to-End Patient Experience Strategy
  • Asset identification and acquisition
  • Telehealth implementation
  • Portfolio management and prioritisation
  • Patient Support Program (PSP) strategy
  • Strategic positioning
  • Competitive analysis

In practice, we do this through providing primary research services to provide the market understanding and evidence needed to support the analysis and strategic recommendations of the consulting team.

We can connect healthcare consultants with the respondents they need, be they health care professionals, KOLs and/or local, regional or national level payers, patients, patient organisations or other relevant targets to inform their strategy planning.

The properly sourced and well vetted research participants we can access are key to produce actionable insight.

Related Work

healthcare strategy and consulting

Therapy Area: Respiratory diseases
Topic: Medical ventilators
Respondent Type: Payers, nurses


respiratory medicine specialists

Discuss the use of medical ventilators in hospitals, mainly in the intensive care unit (ICU), satisfaction with currently available devices and unmet needs in medical ventilation

Sample Size: 24
Methodology: 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs)
Services Delivered: Recruitment

human factors and UX studies

Therapy Area: Incontinence
Topic: Incontinence slips
Respondent Type: patients


Professional caregivers (PCGs)

To assess the use of incontinence Slips with nurses and patients in the care home setting

Sample Size: 105
Methodology: 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs) followed by 7 day product test and then another 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs)
Services Delivered: Translations, recruitment, moderation, transcripts

healthcare strategy and consulting

Therapy Area: Genetics
Topic: Biobanks
Respondent Type: Biobank administrators

To understand biobank capabilities, areas of expertise and opportunities for scientific collaboration.

Sample Size: 30
Methodology: 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs)
Services Delivered: Moderation, translation, transcripts

healthcare strategy and consulting

Therapy Area: Ophthalmology
Topic: RP

Retinitis Pigmentosa

Respondent Type: ophthalmologists, optometrists


Retinal specialists, optometrists, patients

Learn about experiences of patients who live with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), and how to engage patients in talking to a doctor about gene therapy as a possible treatment option

Sample Size: 64
Methodology: 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs) +15 minutes homework exercise for patients
Services Delivered: Translations, recruitment, moderation, sim trans, content analyses and moderator debrief

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