1.      General Terms

Right to Amend: We reserve the right to update or amend these terms and conditions at any time.
Accessibility of Updated Terms: The most current version of the terms and conditions will always be posted on our website and accessible for review. It is your responsibility to check our terms and conditions regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.
Effective Date of Changes: Changes will become effective immediately upon being posted on our website unless otherwise stated. If you continue to use our services after changes are made, this will indicate your acceptance of the new terms.
Notification of Significant Changes: While we are not obligated to provide direct notification of changes to these terms and conditions, we will endeavor to notify customers of significant changes that could materially affect their use of our services through reasonable means, such as an announcement on our website or via email.
Feedback and Queries: If you have any queries about any changes made to these terms and conditions, please contact us at info@medicysltd.co.uk. We welcome your feedback and will consider your comments when making future changes.

All work undertaken by Medicys is subject to the following terms of business, unless otherwise stated:

1. All quotations are valid for a period of 2 months from date of issue.
2. Providing a quotation does not constitute an agreement that Medicys will undertake the project. 
3. Medicys will not undertake fieldwork on projects when recruitment from another party is ongoing or planned for the same project. If, during a live project, we are made aware that another party is actively working on the same project we reserve the right to stop all ongoing work.
4. Costs are based solely on the information provided in the brief supplied.
5. Medicys reserves the right to revise costs in the event the quotas, specifications and/or timings change, and to adjust the fee and the date of completion in the event of subsequent alteration to the agreed specifications.
6. Medicys requires confirmation in writing that a project has been commissioned, and where applicable this should specify which option has been selected, or the final specifications of the project.
7. Medicys will endeavour to assess the feasibility of the project prior to quotation, however, in some cases when quotes must be provided promptly (less than 48 hours) this may not be possible.
8. In the absence of any agreement to the contrary, research specifications and proposals provided by Medicys at the request of the Client, when Medicys receives neither the commission nor payment for the proposals, remain the property of the Client or Medicys respectively. Their contents may not be revealed to third parties without permission.
9. Fieldwork dates and timings are not intended to be binding, though Medicys will make every effort to achieve them.
10. Medicys cannot accept responsibility for delays caused by weather, transport difficulties or any other circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
11. Medicys retains the right to subcontract, should the final specifications of the project require us to seek third-party support.
12. Quotations are based on values in Sterling/GBP/£, but may be shown for reference in US Dollars (USD) or Euros (€).
13. All prices quoted in our proposals do not include Value Added Tax (VAT), assuming that our European Union (EU) clients are registered for VAT purposes. For clients that are not based in the EU, VAT will not be added to the final invoice. However, for clients that are based in the EU and are not registered for VAT purposes, VAT will be added to the final invoice at the prevailing rate, where applicable.

2.      Fees

1. Payment is due 30 days from date of invoice, unless otherwise agreed.
2. For late undisputed invoices, Medicys retains the right to charge interest on the owed amount at an annual rate of 5%.
3. All invoices will be issued in Sterling/GBP/£, unless otherwise agreed.
4. Exchange rates (as per xe.com), where applicable, will be those of the date of the invoice, unless otherwise agreed.
5. Any incidental expenses incurred by the Client, and additional incentives requested by the Client, will be charged in full.
6. Should the invoice be disputed, the Client must advise Medicys within 10 working days of the date stated on the invoice.

3.      Research Materials

1. All research materials, including but not limited to the screener, questionnaire, discussion guide and any stimulus, should be received in adequate time and be of sufficient accuracy, to enable Medicys Limited to complete the fieldwork to the agreed timeline.

4.      Recruitment

1. When recruiting from a Client provided list, cost and timing assumes that the list provided is up to date and accurate, has full titles, names, addresses and telephone numbers and contains a sufficient number of names to complete quota.
2. Additional reasonable travel expenses for respondent may be required depending upon geographic areas covered by lists and methodology.
3. Notification of exclusions, with lists if appropriate, must be given to Medicys in writing before a project commences and in compliance with GDPR.
4. Any recruitment (and interview) completed in good faith due to lack of notification that it should have been an exclusion will be charged in full.
5. If a client moderator finds that a respondent does not meet the screening criteria and continues with the interview, recruitment, incentives and project management will be charged in full for this interview. 
6. In the event of over-recruitment being requested by the Client, all respondents will be paid and charged in full, even if they are not required/interviewed.
7. While we are dedicated to fulfilling any hard quotas agreed upon, soft quotas serve as flexible guidelines rather than fixed requirements and are not deemed mandatory. Therefore, all candidates who satisfy the eligibility criteria and conform to the agreed hard quotas will be submitted. Fees for recruitment and project management will be invoiced regardless of approval or the completion of interviews/surveys, even if candidates are placed on hold or not approved due to considerations related to the soft quotas.

5.      Incentives

1. The incentive total presented in our proposal represents an aggregated amount, and incentives are paid to individual respondents at a rate we deem necessary to secure acceptance of an invitation to participate. If FMV rates apply, Medicys Limited will pay no more than the specified amount, unless otherwise agreed with the client/sponsor.

6.      Moderation

1. The moderation fee includes a project briefing of up to 1 hour.
2. Additional moderator time, whether for pre-briefing and/or de-briefing, will be charged by the half-hour, at the rate of £75.00.
3. For recruitment only projects, when the Client is providing their own moderating service, a schedule of moderator availability must be provided prior to the commencement of recruitment.
4. Any changes to this schedule must be advised to Medicys Limited at the first practical opportunity.
5. A moderator’s availability must reflect the practicalities of the project, including availabilites outside of normal business hours; this may include evenings, early mornings and weekends. Our project manager will advise on likely schedule during the initial project briefing, on request.
6. In order that the confidentiality of the respondent be maintained, Medicys requires that a toll-free teleconference line be provided for use by the respondent when participating in a telephone interview moderated by a client moderator.
7. Medicys must receive details of the chosen telephone service in advance of the commencement of the recruitment phase.
8. Alternatively, Medicys can provide this service. in such situations costs will be reflected in our final invoice.
9. Cancellation or rescheduling charges will apply if an interview is cancelled or postponed due to changes in moderator’s availability (see section 12: “Cancellation and Postponement”).

7.      AER (Adverse Event Reporting)

1. Included in our costs is the provision for reporting up to 5 Adverse Events (AEs) and the associated reconciliation form, in each country in scope. Any subsequent AE reported will be charged at £25 per AE.
2. Medicys requires the following in order to report AEs: sponsor AE training, sponsor AE reporting form, sponsor reconciliation form, comprehensive list of sponsor products for each market in scope.

8.      Translations

1. All translation costs are based on the provision of final and approved materials. Should translation be based on a draft version, there will be no surcharge for translating additions / changes assuming they are provided in a document with tracked changes.

2. Medicys will translate source documents as they are provided. If there should be sections/ paragraphs which do not require translation, this must be clearly indicated in the document and referred to in the email confirming that translation can proceed. Depending on the extent of the editing required we reserve the right to charge an hourly clerical fee of £50.00 for the compilation of the final versions. 
3. All consent forms, whether provided by the client or created by Medicys and approved by the client must be translated into the study's relevant languages. This will be included in the translation fee invoiced at the quoted per word rates.

9.      Transcriptions and content analysis

1. Costs for transcriptions and content analysis are based on the advertised length of the interview. If the average interview length exceeds the advertised interview length then an additional cost per minute of overrun will be charged.

10.      Central Locations

1. Studio / viewing facility costs quoted in the proposal standardly include the following:

- Liaison with studio to ensure appropriate set up of room and availability of incidental materials e.g. flip chart, highlighters, adhesive etc.
- Preparation of all necessary documentation to comply with guidelines including adverse event reporting and confidentiality agreements/ observer forms.
- Printing of interview materials, and shipping to studio, when these reaches Medicys in time for this to be feasible.
- Provision of final respondent list to studio.
- On-call Medicys contact to liaise with studio until last respondent has arrived and entered the interview.
- MP3 of audio file of each interview / group.
- MP4 copy of video file of each interview / group 
- Labelling and uploading of sound files for Client access.

2. When studio bookings are made by the Client, Medicys will not be responsible for liaising with the studio for provision of catering and other extras.
3. When Medicys does not own/ part own the venue, Medicys shall in no circumstance be liable for any failure or defective working of audio or visual equipment or for any subsequent cost incurred.
4. Venue costs are based on access one hour prior and one hour after the event. Should Clients arrive before this time, Medicys reserves the right to pass on the additional fees charged to Medicys by the venue.

5. Catering and refreshment costs quoted in the proposal standardly include the following:

- Provision for all respondents, and up to 5 clients. When more than 5 Clients are in attendance, Medicys will charge the extra at cost.

6. The following expenses are not included in our standard quote and we reserve the right to charge for the costs incurred for the following:

- Alcoholic beverages consumed at studio.
- Printing of study materials at the studio.
- Additional electronic equipment required e.g. additional cameras, video link, laptops etc.
- Taxis for Clients / moderators (when not supplied by Medicys) to and from venue.

11.           Scripting and Hosting

1. When quoted, these costs are estimated and subject to change based on the final questionnaire design, complexity and overall survey length. Any change to the price quoted will be advised on receipt of the finalised survey instrument.
2. Work on programming cannot begin until an approved version of the questionnaire with all relevant routing and instruction has been received.
3. Any subsequent structural changes to the questionnaire after the start of programming will be subject to additional costs based on the additional hours of work required (at a rate of £80.00 per hour).
4. Such changes will impact on timelines and Clients will be advised of the extent of impact when changes are submitted.

12.           Legal & Ethical Guidelines, Codes of Conduct, and Regulatory Approvals

1. Medicys will perform and conduct all services in line with accepted industry standards and practices in each country; including the ESOMAR Code, EphMRA Code of Conduct, and BHBIA/APBI legal & ethical guidelines.
2. Where applicable we will adhere to market specific legislature such as the Loi Bertrand anti-gifting law in France and ADM anonymity regulations in Germany.
3. All Medicys operational employees are fully trained and certified in AE reporting guidelines and we will also undertake any Client specific training required on a per project basis.
4. Unless otherwise stated all quotations are provided on the basis that legal, ethical and regulatory approval to conduct market research has been sought and acquired in each market in scope by the commissioning company or the sponsor prior to Medicys beginning work; this includes but is not limited to CNOM declaration of market research in France and CPSU approval in Spain.
5. Medicys assumes that the Client and/or Client Company will perform their research activities in line with current legislation and regulation, including all current data protection laws, and specifically 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation

13.           Cancellation and Postponement

In the event of a project or interviews being postponed or cancelled by the commissioning client, after commissioning, fees will be charged at the following rates:

Costs for rescheduling booked interviews:

Costs for cancelling booked interviews:

*Only applicable if studio booking confirmed, usually ~5 days prior to date of research and will exclude catering and any other ‘on the day’ costs

Programming costs in the event of cancellation: If Medicys is programming the study questionnaire the cancellation costs will be as follows:

Translation costs in the event of cancellation: This will be charged at 100% of the per word rate for all translation at the time of the cancellation.


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