Our Services

Healthcare Market Research

We are specialists at delivering international market research studies for clients in healthcare related industries. Since 2002, our fieldwork experts have delivered well over 8,000 such projects, spanning more than 60 countries.

Our experts are conversant in all qualitative and quantitative research techniques, including the latest and most disruptive and can advise on which to use to meet objectives.

While our clients look and interpret data, we focus on the source of the data which is inextricably linked to the quality of people participating in the research. Properly sourced and well vetted research participants deliver the best quantitative and qualitative data necessary to produce actionable insight. We have created such networks of respondents, specifically:

Healthcare Professionals

  • Primary care physicians and nurses
  • Secondary care specialists and nurses
  • Retail and hospital pharmacists
  • Retail and hospital lab staff
  • Allied health professionals Patients
  • Chronic condition patients
  • Acute condition patients
  • Professional caregivers
  • Non-professional caregivers
  • Payers and Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)
  • Local payers and KOLs
  • Regional payers and KOLs
  • National payers and KOLs
  • International KOLs
  • Payer advisors
  • Ex-payers
  • Health economists Pharma company employees
  • Reps
  • Scientists
  • Marketing
  • Medical Affairs
  • Engineers

With your objectives in mind, our in-country local experts will always rigorously assess sample size and composition, feasibility, and, taking into account country specificities, provide guidance on the most relevant methodologies to acquire quality data:


  • Telephone Depth Interviews (TDIs)
  • Web Assisted Telephone Interviews (WATDIs)
  • Video Depth Interviews (VDIs)
  • Online Focus Groups
  • Focus Groups, in market research facilities
  • Individual Depth Interviews (IDIs), in market research facilities
  • Individual Depth Interviews (IDIs), in field
  • Online Bulletin Boards
  • Communities Quantitative
  • Computer Aided Telephone Interviews (CATIs)
  • Computer Aided Web Interviews (CAWIs)
  • Opinion surveys
  • Case Record Forms (CRF) studies
  • Combined ATU + Case Record Forms (CRF) Studies

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healthcare market research

Therapy Area: Haematology
Topic: AML

Acute Myeloid Leukaemia

Respondent Type: Haematologists

To understand the current and future oncology market and to understand differences amongst patients to assess the opportunity for a treatment

Sample Size: 24
Methodology: 75 minute duos and 60 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs)
Services Delivered: Translations, recruitment, moderation, sim trans, transcripts

healthcare market research

Therapy Area: Cardiovascular Diseases
Topic: HF

Heart Failure

Respondent Type: PCPs, cardiologists

Discuss the heart failure patient pathway, current prescribing behaviours and brand perceptions, and product X perceptions, drivers and barriers

Sample Size: 48
Methodology: 45 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews (WATDIs)
Services Delivered: Translations, recruitment, moderation, sim trans, transcript, management report and debrief

healthcare market research

Therapy Area: Addiction
Topic: OUD

Opioid Use Disorder

Respondent Type: KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders)

To understand more about the treatment and management of opioid use disorder (OUD) patients

Sample Size: 60
Methodology: 45 minute Telephone Depth Interviews (TDIs)
Services Delivered: Translations, recruitment, moderation, transcripts

healthcare market research

Therapy Area: Haematology
Topic: Marginal zone lymphoma
Respondent Type: Haematologists

To understand the treatment pathways for Marginal zone lymphoma

Sample Size: 24
Methodology: 15 minute Web Assisted Telephone Depth Interviews
Services Delivered: Recruitment

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